It’s not just famous characters that are available to license. Audiences recognize iconic vehicles and props that are used within films and TV shows just as much as they recognize characters.
The inclusion of a famous vehicle is enough to excite audiences and evoke a reaction particularly if the vehicle has added nostalgia value. In terms of production, there are different approaches to featuring a famous vehicle whether that be sourcing a look-alike vehicle and skinning it yourself, using CGI assets, hiring the ‘real thing’, or creating it from scratch.
Typically, studios don’t get involved in production and so the agency will be responsible for sourcing or creating the vehicle with the Rights Holders approval.
Rights Holders can usually provide detailed reference material and guidance to ensure authenticity.
Often the IP license will not provide you with clearance for the vehicle manufacturer (e.g. Bumblebee’s Volkswagen Beetle). That will usually need to be cleared separately, which we can help with.
Uber x SpongeBob SquarePants, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Scooby Doo
Uber dressed up its cars as ‘Famous Rides’ for a special Halloween campaign. We worked with Uber’s agency, Kamp Grizzly, to explore various options for famous cars. Once the vehicles were chosen, we worked with the Rights Holders and agency to agree on commercial terms and assist with the creative development.
An existing Party Wagon and Mystery Machine were sourced and approved for use within the campaign by the Rights Holders. For SpongeBob’s Patty Wagon, the vehicle had to be created from scratch using a Mini Cooper as the base. We helped ‘dress it up’ using reference material and guidance provided by the Rights Holder to make it as authentic as possible.